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Showing posts from December, 2015

5 Bahaya Begadang untuk Kesehatan

Bagi sebagian orang tentunya budaya begadang menjadi kebiasaan yang sulit dihindari, mengapa demikian? Hal tersebut karena urusan-urusan baik dari sisi menulis, editing hingga blogwalking. Namun perlu diingat bahwa keperluan anda tentu harus diimbangi istirahat yang cukup walaupun begadang tidak dapat dihindari. Begadang sih boleh saja tapi kalau ada perlunya, hal tersebut mengingatkan kepada

5 Khasiat Wortel Untuk Kesehatan

Wortel merupakan bahan makanan alami yang sering dikonsumsi dan bahan campuran pada masakan, tidak saja bermanfaat dari sisi makanan, ternyata wortel mempunyai manfaat besar untuk kesehatan tubuh kita, wortel dipercaya dapat memberikan beberapa efek positif bagi kita, lalu apa saja Manfaat Wortel Untuk kesehatan, berikut penjelasan: 5 Khasiat Wortel Untuk Kesehatan versi Top5. 1. Mampu

5 Sebab Datangnya Penyakit Hipertiroid

Hipertiroid adalah jenis penyakit yang disebabkan adanya overfungsional atau kelebihan produksi pada kelenjar tiroid, selain itu Hipertiroid umumnya berkaitan dengan keadaan klinis tirotoksikosis. Jika pada penyakit tirotoksikosis hal ini berarti bahwa hipertiroid diketahui dengan datangnya tanda-tanda akibat hormon berlebihan, misalnya badan yang terus mengalami penurunan alias kurus, jantung

5 Tips Diet Sehat Secara Optimal

5 Tips Diet Sehat Secara Optimal merupakan langkah untuk meninggalkan Kebiasaan Buruk yang Merusak Diet dengan membuat kerja menjadi sia-sia karena tidak adanya kepedulian atas usaha diet yang sudah lama dilakukan. Menurunkan berat badan dan melangsingkan badan atau hal yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas diet dapat dilakukan dengan cara tepat salah satunya adalah mengatur pola makan yang baik dan

5 Cara Alami Mengobati Sakit Gigi

Sakit gigi memang sangatlah mengganggu. Jika kita mengalami sakit gigi, rasanya semua badan juga serasa sakit. Dan apabila sakit gigi yang kita alami sudah sangat parah, jalan terbaik adalah pergi ke dokter gigi. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak semua jenis sakit gigi harus diselesaikan dengan jalan pencabutan gigi, kecuali jika sudah parah sekali. Dan tidak semua obat sakit gigi harus berasal

5 Tips Alami Mengobati Sakit Perut Saat Datang Bulan

Sakit perut ketika datang bulan memang terasa menyakitkan, beraktivitas-pun serasa tidak mood mau melaukan ini-itu menjadi tidak semangat, walaupun ini sudah menjadi kebiasaan bagi sebagian wanita namun tidak sedikit juga sebagian ada yang sampai hampir pingsan karena sakit perut saat haid atau datang bulan. Oleh karena itu, berikut akan dijelaskan 5 Tips Alami Mengobati Sakit Perut Saat

2015 Canada Cup - The End

[Catch up on The Beginning and The Middle ...] Last Day The end. Always bittersweet. Busy day with two finals, and then final tear down. This event is a bit different, with the knowledge that we're all coming back in February for the Scotties, so the good byes weren't as sad as usual. The volunteers and local media have been great, so it'll be nice to see the same people again in a couple months. I think I've also sussed out the cheap & cheerful eats near the arena too, score! And as always, I cherish the time I spend as a fly on the wall as the veteran curling media guys swap stories and reminisce about curling events and personalities from the past. It really is a privilege to work with them event after event. They're always really good to me, welcoming me and making me feel comfortable in the media room. Besides my curling boss (who is my favourite boss because he says thank you and is always a pleasure to work with), I tend to get along well with the variou

2015 Canada Cup - The Middle

Day 3 Curling. For a bit on the media bench, I got to sit next to one of the Winter Youth Olympians - Team Canada is visiting and learning and practicing this week. Very cool. I'm obviously jealous those kids are going to Norway. I also managed to find a dinosaur sponsor pin! No time to visit the new Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum this trip, maybe in February? I went for a lovely short walk through the park that goes through Grande Prairie. It was such a beautiful December day! The non-highlight of the night was when my computer crashed in the middle of editing a scrum and I lost it all and had to start again. Then that froze and I found the old one. And there's timing for these videos - I have to post them and pass on the link to my boss who is posting the article and needs the video embed link and this all needs to be done as quickly as possible after a draw. Fortunately I still squeaked in under the wire! My favourite uniform #1: Team John Epping - My Favourite Purple. L

2015 Canada Cup - The Beginning

Day 1 It's like riding a bike. Sort of. First I got stranded at the hotel because there's no shuttles out front. Thankfully an old friend saved me and called dispatch - oh how I've missed my curling friends! Dispatch number is now in my phone. Then there was no accreditation for me, so again my friend saved me and got me access. It's a nice venue, small but just perfect for what I'd want from a curling rink (minus the awesome food truck that parked outside at the Kamloops Brier, or the Safeway a dozen steps away at the Moose Jaw events, that was pretty exceptional). I helped set up the media scrum area, all the while pretending I totally knew what I was doing. Then it was watch a bit, film a bit, edit a bit, post. Repeat. I mostly got it right. Record is the big red button. Press record. Easy peasy day back on the bike. It's good to be back. Ah. This view again. Under the media bench. Wicked good storage at this venue. Taking photos for a calendar giveaway. Norm

Curling Work For The Win

As I start writing this post, I'm currently sitting in the airport, on my way to Grande Prairie for the 2015 edition of the Canada Cup of Curling . This is my first curling "volunteering" gig of the season - and this season is the busiest curling season I'll be participating in since my first shift of the 2009 Canadian Curling Trials in Edmonton. Over a dozen events in numerous cities later, here I am ready to spend over half my vacations days in a curling venue. I sort of thought my Curling Canada days might be over: changing times, nothing locally, and the last event I worked, the Scotties in Moose Jaw, was the most fun event I've done so I was ready to go out with a bang. But, I'm super happy to be joining my Curling Canada people in Grande Prairie for not only the Canada Cup this week, but also the Scotties in February ! It will be nice to get back into the routine, catch up with old friends, and watch some curling. The Canada Cup is actually my favourit

5 Toilet Terunik di Dunia

Pernahkah anda melihat toilet yang unik, mungkin saja pernah. Namun apakah anda pernah melihat toilet yang benar-benar unik sekaligus aneh, mungkin ini jarang anda temukan. Umumnya, toilet mempunyai desain atau bentuk yang sama di seluruh dunia, walaupun ada perbedaan bentuk, hal itu tidaklah membuat kita terkejut melihatnya. Akan tetapi, sangat berbeda dengan desain toilet-toilet dibawah ini,