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Showing posts from November, 2013

2013 Roar of the Rings: Goals for the Week

I leave for the Roar of the Rings in ~36 hours. I'm so excited!* Over the past week, as I've been thinking about what kind of adventures I could get up to in Winnipeg, I've been mentally making a list of goals I want to accomplish. Ten days is a long time, so here's the Top 10 things I want to accomplish (besides watching a ton of curling obviously)... Learn a new skill. Last time I worked with IT, I became good at using iMovie. If I remember correctly, they're using different editing software, so it'll be good for me to use my brain to learn new technology. Not get fired. Hopefully I don't screw up #1! Plus I want to keep working these events, so I'll need to do a good job. So much pressure for a vacation. Meet new people. So far my list of people I want to meet/wish good luck/shake hands with include: Lisa Weagle (@ ottgal , who I've followed on twitter for ages, plus she is an awesome lead like I aspire to be and she has the coolest first name),

2013 Roar of the Rings: Are you ready?

Curling-on-tv season has officially started! Have you been watching? There's been a Grand Slam on, and another starts later this week. This past weekend was the first time of the new season we got to hear Vic, Linda and Russ call the games at the Road to the Roar - hearing them on tv always marks the start of curling-on-tv season for me! And the RttR event reminded me of what is coming around the corner in three weeks. Goofy name aside, the Road to the Roar (which sends 2 men's and 2 women's teams to the Roar) taught me a new word: "slingbox" (which allowed me to watch the second men's qualifier on a cable channel I don't subscribe to because I'm cheap). I won't need to take advantage of a sling box to watch the Roar though... ...because I'm going to see it live! The Roar of the Rings is the slightly less goofy name (as an LOTR fan I actually think it's an awesome moniker!) for the curling trials that send a men's and women's team