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Showing posts from May, 2016

Grand Slam of Curling: Champions Cup Volunteer Wrap Up

I've volunteered for a dozen Curling Canada events, numerous local curling events, and a ton of other major sport type events. I've done everything from taking out garbages, selling merchandise, pretending to be media, and leading teams of other volunteers. But one volunteer gig remained elusive...I hadn't gotten the opportunity to volunteer for a Grand Slam of Curling* event. Until last month... When I heard Heather Nedohin and her team from the Sherwood Park Curling Club had gotten the first ever Champions Cup, I knew I had to volunteer. I tweeted at various people and eventually was sent a link to fill out the volunteer form online. I couldn't attend any pre event volunteer rallys to size a jacket or anything. I got the impression most of the volunteers were coming from the curling club, as everything was done there pre-event, though the actual event took place at a local arena. I was sent a volunteer schedule a few weeks before the event. This was more first clue it

5 Tips Mudah Mengecat Dinding agar tahan Lama

Perlukah rumah dicat?, jawabnya tentu perlu. Selain cantik dan indah, dinding yang diberi olesan cat juga memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan untuk perlindungan dan ketahanan dinding. selain itu, Setiap warna mempunyai arti yang bisa mempengaruhi suasana hati, perasaan nyaman dan tampilan keindahan. Ada orang yang memiliki kepercayaan bahwa warna rumah minimalis bisa membawa keberuntungan dan