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Showing posts from May, 2015

Book Review: Petty Theft

I happened across a list of the best graphic novels of 2014, and one sounded interesting because it had to do with single people and books (so right up my alley). Bonus - the public library had it and I didn't even need to wait on a long list to take it out. So, even though I don't really love graphic novels, this was my chance to try a new one that was highly rated and might change my opinion on the genre(?). Petty Theft By Pascal Girard 2014 104 pages Pascal is having hard time. He recently got out of a long term relationship, and screwed up his back running. So no one loves him, he can't run to take advantage of endorphins, he's imposing on a friend because he has no place to live, and his creative career has stalled. Eventually he gets a somewhat unrewarding job in construction, and loiters in a book store on occasion. One day he sees an attractive woman shoplifting one of his books! He makes it his mission to tail her and investigate her crime, but of course he fal

It's In You To Give: Donating Blood

The Canadian Blood Services has one of the best mottos I've ever seen: it's in you to give. So true! Only 4% of eligible donors in Canada donate blood - that's shocking considering how easy and painless it is! As somewhat nerdy teenagers, myself and some friends were excited about becoming legal adults, not so we could get legally drunk in bars, but so that we could vote and (at age 17) donate blood. My first blood donation was with some high school friends: we took the bus/LRT to the Blood Donation Centre after school. My second blood donation opportunity came when the mobile Blood Clinic came to our high school - I remember a bunch of the tough football guys passing out. I moved to regularly donating plasma during my undergraduate degree at the university (a hop, skip and a jump from the Blood Donation Centre). I didn't pass the iron level test once, so then quit near the end of my undergrad. I moved to England, and even donated once there. I moved back to Canada and

5 Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Hati

5 Tips Menjaga Kesehatan Hati~Menjaga kesehatan tubuh merupakan hal terpenting yang harus kita lakukan agar segala kegiatan sehari-hari dapat kita lakukan dengan optimal pula. Tubuh kita terdiri dari berbagai organ yang salah satunya hati. Hati merupakan salah satu organ tubuh yang kita miliki yang memiliki berbagai fungsi yang tidak dapat tergantikan dengan organ lainnya. Hati memiliki

5 Cara Baik Bersaing di Tempat Kerja

Sudah menjadi rahasia umum jika anda bekerja satu kantor atau satu tempat, maka akan dihadapkan dengan teman atau rekan yang iri, tidak senang dan selalu bersaing dengan anda. Jika persaingan itu sehat, hal tersebut tidak menjadi masalah yang besar bagi anda, namun bagaimana jika persaingannya diiringi dengan niat dan tujuan untuk menghancurkan karir anda sehingga berujung PHK atau setidaknya

5 Cara Menyehatkan Organ Pencernaan

Jangan pernah abaikan nasehat �Makan dan minumlah untuk sepertiga air, makanan dan udara�, karena ini bukanlah sekadar kalimat bijak. Hal ini karena kalimat tersebut berhubungan dengan kesehatan organ pencernaan. Hasrat untuk mengenyangkan perut belum tentu berbanding lurus dengan kebutuhan sistem pencernaan. Selain itu, pola makan atau pemilihan makanan yang tidak sesuai juga dapat mengganggu

Book Review: Blood: The Stuff of Life

May's genere for book club is non fiction. How convenient since I just picked up a book on blood from the library. I've started to donate plasma regularly again (or at least attempting too, I got turned down for low iron last month) so blood is fascinating to me at the moment, and I thought this book would satisfy my interest. May 2015: Nonfiction Blood: The Stuff of Life By Lawrence Hill 2013 384 pages I really wanted a book that could describe how blood was viewed or important to cultures and history. Instead I got this, the published version of Hill's CBC Massey Lectures on CBC Radio. Lawrence Hill is the author of the famous book The Book of Negroes, which had a CBC mini series so I guess he's well like by those CBC VIPs. Regardless, I was interested in reading radio lectures (yes, still not sure how that worked), especially if I could learn about blood in an up to date, Canadian context. The first two parts were interesting enough. Hill covered the nature/functions