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Showing posts from February, 2015

Book Review: The Sisters Brothers

Every year, the university I work at chooses a book of the year. We all read it and then the author visits and there's public readings, workshops, etc. I was super excited to read this year's book because rumour said it was a darkly humorous western - I like dark humour (I think) and I hadn't read a western in...well ever but I super love Firefly so I couldn't wait to read it. I was able to convince book club to read dark comedies for February and couldn't wait to take The Sisters Brothers along with me to Moose Jaw for my vacation! February 2015: Dark Comedy The Sisters Brothers By Patrick deWitt 2011 325 pages Charlie and Eli Sisters are infamously known as the Sisters Brothers - hired, brutal killers. The Commodore sends them out to San Francisco to find a prospector who assumably did wrong. The brothers head out on their new used horses, and after a series of misfortunes (and killings) eventually find the prospector. But things don't go as planned and the br

2015 Scotties Canadian Women's Curling Championship: Update 2

Thursday. I slept through my alarm and thank goodness my lunch friend texted me to confirm a reservation at our favourite cafe, otherwise I would've slept through the draw and my job! I made it just in time though, with extra time to proofread my stupid text so I don't make anymore embarrassing typos! I love watching multiple games at once! Brian Mudryk filming a 5th end interview. Another cute kid, for those who where wondering where Cameron was. Rider Kevin Glenn was around to say hi to Team Saskatchewan. Another delicious lunch at The Gallery Cafe. Another game. A wee nap? Dinner of poutine in the Heartstop Lounge with a volunteer. Another game. Completely unbiased media cheering for the last shot of the night. Bedtime! *** Friday, only two draws today. The first draw was media overload - everyone was in town, even though apparently the highways were full of cars in the ditch! My poor camera suffers from somewhat of an inferiority complex. There was a long break because ther

2015 Scotties Canadian Women's Curling Championship: Update 1

It's Monday! Hard to believe it's only day 3, seems like I've been here forever, but in a good way! I think I've endeared myself to the media volunteers and enjoy their company in the lounge between games and then backstage waiting for the media show to start.  And I think I have been accepted by the media guys, which is much quicker than usual - either because they're super friendly or I'm just getting better at this whole pretending-to-be-a-cameraman thing. Regardless, it feels like home and should make for an excellent week! So I set a challenge for myself and think I came out on the losing end. Taco in a Bag is a thing here, as I'm sure it is in many small town prairie rink, but I've never sampled it. What is Taco in a Bag you ask? Split a bag of doritos down the edge, add taco meat, lettuce, salsa, sour cream and cheese, throw in a plastic for and voila! Cuisine. Or something. I said I'd eat it if I got 12 recommendations and between twitter and

5 Cara Memilih Gaya Rambut Sesuai Dengan Bentuk Wajah

5 Cara Memilih Gaya Rambut Sesuai Dengan Bentuk Wajah~Tidak semua orang cocok pada satu model rambut tertentu. Namun semua orang ingin terlihat cocok dan cantik dengan potongan rambutnya. Sulit memang menentukan model rambut yang cocok untuk diri kita terutama bagi wanita yang ingin tampil cantik dengan rambutnya agar bisa menjadi daya tarik untuk para pria. Berikut adalah 5 Cara Memilih Gaya

5 Makanan Teraneh di Dunia

5 Makanan Teraneh di Dunia~Makanan ringan biasa dinikmati saat seseorang sedang mengalami lapar, namun mereka terkadang tidak bisa makan makanan yang berat. Makanan ringan juga disukai banyak orang karena kemudahaan mengkonsumsinya. Tidak ribet dan tidak perlu berada di satu tempat khusus. Namun, beranikah Anda mencoba 5 Makanan Teraneh di Dunia ini?, oke langsung berikut penjelasannya: 1.

2015 Scotties Canadian Women's Curling Championship: Opening Weekend

I'm back! The 2015 Scotties Tournament of Hearts Canadian Women's Curling Championship is being held in Moose Jaw, SK and I was happy to be asked to revive my job as that media girl who films/edits the media scrums! I've been looking forward to it ever since last year's Canada Cup , which was a good time. I flew out to Moose Jaw on Friday morning. I chatted to a curling fan sitting beside me on the plane. I chatted to curling fans waiting for my luggage. I chatted to curling fans waiting for the shuttle. I chatted to curling volunteers/staff on the shuttle. This is why I keep saying yes to doing these events: the people are so fantastic! Everyone, staff, volunteers, curlers, fans, every single one is super friendly and happy to chat curling or otherwise. This is why I keep coming back. Sure, I could go on a fancy holiday somewhere fancy (or warmer) but I've learned over the years it's not about where you go, it's about who you're with. And I'd much