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Showing posts from October, 2015

Book Review: Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery

The girls decided October's book club genre would be "unsettling" - because it's Halloween month but we've already done thriller and horror. I don't do scary but unsettling was sufficiently vague that I figured I could find something. And as I often bend towards nonfiction, there is plenty of unsettling stuff in the world. Someone suggested I read a new Scientology book, which led me to search out general cult books. I couldn't find a book that dealt with various cults, and the only real life stories recently seemed to be based off one particular cult. I knew I wanted to learn about multiples, and I knew I wanted to learn about facts as well as personal stories. Somehow, I got on human trafficking - unsettling no doubt - and came across a book that sounded like the perfect fit. It contained researched facts, as well as anecdotal personal stories, and it presented a global perspective by including many countries around the world. And in the end it was exact

Book Review: Invisible Chains: Canada's Underground World of Human Trafficking

After reading Siddhartha Kara's book on Sex Trafficking, I wanted to learn about the situation in Canada. Invisible Chains: Canada's Underground World of Human Trafficking By Benjamin Perrin 2010 298 pages As intended, I got the sex trafficking story from a Canadian perspective. Shocking that the stories I'd read about in poorer nations was indeed happening in Canada. Shocking that men in Canada are also mega-assholes who make their money off buy, selling and abusing women and children, as well as buying sex from these victims. Shocking that law enforcement couldn't do much because the laws were poorly written and lenient. I wonder if this has changed though, as the book is five years old? Perrin's book was useful in rounding out my knowledge of sex trafficking, but not as well written as Kara's.  Where Kara's book was compelling and engrossing, Perrin's book was just...well a bit boring. It was well researched, and the personal stories where there, but

Tour of Alberta: Course Marshalling for the Win

I came across a tweet asking for volunteers for Tour of Alberta 2015. I'm an avid cyclist, but will admit I know little about bike racing. I did watch Tour of Alberta 2013 downtown when it was in Edmonton, and I intended to watch this year. But I'm perpetually drawn to volunteering, and am glad I clicked submit on that volunteering application because it was awesome. I had to attend a short orientation held at City Hall the week before. I signed in, got a spot, and learned a bit about the tour. I would've like to learn more about my volunteer job, but received a handbook via email right before the event that helped. I was still a bit unsure about the whole day but I'll do anything for a (florescent high-vis yellow) free t-shirt. (Also a free sandwich and snack which was a nice touch.) The most unclear part was the timing. I was given a time to sign in, but really, it was 2 full hours before the start so I just stood around for 2 hours. I get that you want all volunteer

5 Langkah Diet yang Mudah dan Terbukti Berhasil

5 Langkah Diet yang Mudah dan Terbukti Berhasil ~ Memiliki tubuh langsing dan cantik tentu akan menambah rasa percaya diri anda, khususnya bagi kaum hawa yang memang selalu memperhatikan penampilan mereka. Namun, untuk mendapatkan tubuh langsing tidak semudah membalikkan telapak tangan, perlu tips dan langkah yang tepat demi mewujudkan keinginan tersebut. Maka dari itu, perlu tips yang ampuh,

5 Tips Mengatasi Penyakit Asma Dengan Mudah

Asma merupakan penyakit yang umumnya sukar diobati, kecendrungan penyakit asma biasanya terjadi karena faktor keturunan, namun walaupun demikian ternyata penderita penyakit asma juga bisa terjadi tanpa ada faktor keturunan dan berlaku untuk siapa saja. Penyakit asma bisa dialami orang dewasa, ibu hamil maupun anak-anak. Penyembuhan penyakit asma dapat dilakukan dengan cara medis dan non medis

5 Sebab Batuk Berdahak dan Batuk Tidak Berdahak

Salah satu penyebab terjadinya batuk berdahak karena adanya peradangan atau inflamasi pada pernafasan. Tetapi peradangan pernafasan juga bisa memicu timbulnya batuk kering atau sering disebut dengan batuk tidak berdahak. Secara umum, batuk berdahak disebabkan adanya saluran pernafasan bagian atas yang bermasalah, sedangkan pada batuk tidak berdahak terjadi akibat adanya infeksi pada paru-paru.

5 Cara Ampuh Menghilangkan Bau Mulut

1. Jauhkan diri anda dari rokok Begitu besar jumlah perokok aktif di dunia, khususnya lagi negara kita, Indonesia. Padahal sudah jelas-jelas terdapat begitu banyak efek negatif yang ditimbulkan dari rokok. Lebih spesifik lagi adalah pengaruhnya terhadap bau mulut. Ternyata merokok dapat mengurangi aliran air liur dan berperan besar memperparah bau mulut. Perokok aktif sangat rentan terkena