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Showing posts from July, 2016

Book Review: The Colour of Magic

After I finished reading Game of Thrones, I felt a bit...lost. I didn't have thousands of pages waiting for me to read. Some how I got it in my head that I needed to read all of Discworld. No idea where I got the idea from. I had read two books ages ago and thought they were pretty good so hey, why not. So I researched the order. And then got scared about how I was going to find all the books to read, so I decided I would download the ebooks from the library to save on the wait time in between books. Now I'd like to point that I've never read an ebook before. I don't have a tablet, so would have to read it on my phone. How bad could it be?  It seemed like a good idea at the time... The Colour of Magic By Terry Pratchett 1985 288 pages Rincewind is a wizard, a very bad wizard. During a series of unfortunate events, he meets Twoflower, a tourist, and his luggage. There are more misadventures and unfortunate events. And then it's over in a to be continued manner. Oh th

5 Waduk yang amat besar di dunia

Waduk atau istilah umumnya sering disebut dengan danau buatan. Walaupun tidak seindah dengan aslinya, namun jika dilihat dari sisi desainnya bisa dikatakan danau buatan atau waduk di bawah ini termasuk waduk yang indah, cantik dan terbesar di dunia. Apa saja waduk terbesar di dunia ini, berikut penjelasannya. 1. Raul Leoni, Venezuela Luas: 4250 KM Persegi Awalnya, waduk ini terbentuk dari