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Showing posts from December, 2013

Book Review: Rapture, Blister, Burn

November/December were combo book club months. Since some members were writing for NaNoWriMo , and the lead up to Christmas can be kinda crazy, we had a month and a half to read...a play! The reasoning behind the genre pick was that plays are short, perfect for limited timelines for everyone. My choice was easy - I had borrowed a play to read for last month's women writers genre, but never got around to it. It was a perfect choice for our combo months' genre! And based on the synopsis, I'm pretty sure this play was written for me... November/December 2013: Play Rapture, Blister, Burn By Gina Gionfriddo 2012 139 pages "So is the message that women are f*cked either way? You either have a career and wind up lonely and sad, or you have a family and wind up lonely and sad?" (p. 36) Catherine is an accomplished academic. Gwen is a married housewife with two children. Friends during their university days, they haven't talked in over a decade...something about Gwen s

2013 Roar of the Rings: Wrap Up & Tweets

Here's my usual wrap up post! So did I meet my goals for the week ? Learn a new skill. Check! I relearned how to use iMovie and the video camera. I also learned how to splice audio/video and how to handle myself in a big media scrum (sort of). Not get fired. Well, hopefully. Time will tell but for now it sounds like I'm still going to the Brier in Kamloops. After that it's all up in the air, although there are some events coming to Alberta so I'll still try go even if I have to volunteer ("50/50s, buy your 50/50s here!"). Meet new people. Yep! I said a quick hello to Lisa Weagle (@ ottgal ) and @ ottguy . I worked with @ inglisdanielle and @ leftbutton all week - they're superstars! Meet up with old friends. Done! I caught up with my merchandising folks, and had plenty of time to chat with my favourite CCA people. Take a picture of Ron Burgundy to post to twitter. Check! Limit the libraryland work I do. Yeah, I didn't work too hard! Buy a FM scan ra

2013 Roar of the Rings - Final Weekend

Friday, December 6, 2013 The day started as per usual. Around lunch time, we moved all our lights and camera up to the press box to film the announcement of the 2014 Canadian Paralympic Wheelchair Curling team. It was neat to see that. Most of the athletes were there - good luck to them in Sochi! It was also cool to be up in the Winnipeg Jets pressbox on catwalk level. I love that sort of backstage privilege opportunity! Then I had dinner with some of my favourite CCA people. I sound like a broken record, but catching up with and learning more about the lives of some of the regular crew is my favourite thing about these events.  Notice Jeff Stoughton's goofy toque (in white)? The end of that Stoughton/Howard game was neat - Glenn slid all the way down the ice with the rock as Jeff held the broom for his last shot. It was an awesome way to end the Olympic run of these two great skips. Here's the view from the Winnipeg Jet's press box (also called gondola, you can also see th

2013 Roar of the Rings - During the Week

Day 2 - Monday, December 2, 2013 Pretty routine day. Arrive for the 5th end break of the morning draw. Tie up yesterday's loose ends. Almost miss the first interview after early handshakes. Set up the camera, screw up the white balance. Loiter in the scrum room pretending to be a cameraman. Film a scrum. Edit. Eat. Listen to the IT crew's game of dueling youtube videos. Watch some curling. Film a scrum. Edit. Dinner. Walk to the Patch and back to walk off dinner. Watch some curling. Film a scrum. Hotel. Tv. Blog. Sleep. I finally got to watch some curling in the arena today! Here's a shot of the men's afternoon draw. Day 3 - Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Repeat. Except I was late for the last scrum because I was loitering in the media lounge talking to the Morning Roar reporter, keeping an eye on the CTV guys, hoping they would leave on time. Oops. Today was sort of not my day I guess. It has been interesting hanging out with the media guys. I'm learning stuff. I feel l

2013 Roar of the Rings - Day 1

It was an exciting day here at the MTS Centre - Ron Burgundy came for a visit. This was a big deal. Much excitement and anxiety was shared by all backstage. We arrived at the arena in the early morning. I posted the video I had edited yesterday, then tried to stay out of the way of the Burgundy circus. I watched the Opening Ceremonies with the crowd, then watched Burgundy do a scene with Team Howard. Later, I snuck into the Burgundy media scrum. Much joking ensued. I watched the first bit of the game from our office backstage - ok, I'll admit, getting Ron Burgundy in the commentator booth was pretty funny! He bantered with Vic, Linda and Rus for two ends, and then that was that. After getting familiar with the media scrum set up, I watched a couple ends of the first women's draw. Then, it was scrum frenzy time! The first video took me awhile to edit as I'm still working on that learning curve, but I'll be a pro by Tuesday! I like the rainbow of colours on players' u

2013 Roar of the Rings: Set Up

I've been in Winnipeg for two days. The Roar of the Rings  curling trials finally gets going tomorrow. What have I been up to? I landed in Winnipeg Friday around lunch time. There were a couple teams on my flight, and being the stressed out neurotic flyer that I am, I was anxious to see if I'd get left behind while the shuttles carried the rock stars to the hotel. Of course I had nothing to worry about! As per usual, the volunteers at this event are the real rock stars, and it wasn't long before I was being driven through Winnipeg, happily chatting to the friendly drivers. After checking into my hotel room, I headed down to the MTS Centre, which is our home for the event. It's a short walk from the hotel outside, or a longer walk inside through the maze of pedways. I appreciate fresh air, but it's cold out so the plan is to mix it up! Well, mostly because I can't find my way anywhere in the pedways without an escort, but crisp fresh air is good, right? I met up