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Showing posts from May, 2013

Book Review: Honour on Trial

So Hell froze over and I joined a book club . It's an open genre book club so I get to choose what I want to read, within the month's chosen genre. This is my first book review! This month's genre is True Crime. I go through periods in my life when I have to stop watching the news and shows like Dexter for awhile because life is sad and horrible and scary, so I wasn't really looking forward to reading a book about crime. I deliberately tried to find a topic that didn't hit too close to home (selfishly, I like to sleep at night), and eventually stumbled across the subject of honour killings. I found an entire book on honour killings in the world ( Murder in the Name of Honor: The True Story of One Woman's Heroic Fight Against an Unbelievable Crime by Rana Husseini), but then was reminded of the case the book I chose is based on. It seemed to fit, a true crime tale that didn't hit too close to home but that was still set in Canada and highlighted the unjust t

Balcony Garden 2013: Time for a Change

It's officially time to plant my balcony garden! This year, I'm trying something different. In the past I've planted a lot of little pots. This led to a big jungle of a garden, but I never used half of it either because I'd planted crops which I never ended up eating or the bugs got to it first! So I decided to try a pallet garden this year. I asked my dad to help me find a pallet, but he insisted on making me a vertical garden to size. This was very nice of him, and he even added a bit of customization - but the planter is a heavy beast! Because I'm worried the weight will break my balcony (shh, don't tell the rest of the inmates), and because there is the potential for a lot of edibles, I decided to just plant my enormous vertical garden with violas, basil, lettuce, spinach, radishes and swiss chard, plus two zucchini. I'm a bit worried the vertical garden is too shallow, so I'm not sure if anything will grow well. We'll see. A friend also swappe