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Showing posts from January, 2016

2016 Canada Cup - Las Vegas Rocks

A year ago, last January, my mom was watching the Continental Cup. They announced that the 2016 event would be in Las Vegas and - much to my surprise - my mom decided she wanted to go. When your mom asks you to go on vacation, and you've never been on vacation with just your mom before, and you love curling, but you don't really like Vegas, what do you say? The answer could only be yes. So that week, we bought a hotel/event ticket package. Good thing, because it was popular and they opened up more hotels and eventually sold out! Las Vegas is not my type of city. This I know. I was there for a bit in 2008 and decided it was everything I disagreed with. Waste of energy. Waste of water. Excess. Debauchery. And watching all those people gamble away their childrens' inheritances breaks my heart. But when your mom asks you to go on vacation, you say yes. And this was to be the first event since 2007 that I just watched and didn't work or volunteer! So last week, we headed to

5 Tempat Wisata Paling Terkenal di Kota Medan

Banyak orang memilih liburan dengan pergi ke luar negeri, namun bagi anda yang tidak mempunyai dana cukup, mungkin liburannya bisa dilakukan di Indonesia saja, dan anda bisa memilih tempat liburannya di Medan-Sumatera Utara. Tidak berbeda dengan kota-kota lainnya di Indonesia, medan termasuk tempat wisata yang bisa menjadi pilihan anda. Maka tepat sekali jika anda memilih kota medan sebagai

5 Cara Alami Menghilangkan Burket (Bubur Ketek)

Burket atau bubur ketek dapat menghilang rasa percaya diri bagi kaum pria dan wanita, maka dari itu mengetahui sedini mungkin terkait dengan informasi dan tips untuk menghilangkannya adalah langkah tepat bagi anda. Burket terjadi akibat adanya keringat yang bercampur dengan kuman atau bakteri, campuran tersebut akan mendatangkan rasa bau menyengat yang tentunya tidak sedap dicium hidung. Selain

5 Cara Alami Merawat Kesehatan dan Keindahan Kaki

Apakah anda salah satu orang-orang yang sering melupakan keindahan kaki?, jika iya coba renungkan kembali. Walaupun kaki merupakan bagian tubuh yang tidak terlalu penting diperhatikan keindahannya, namun untuk waktu dan kondisi tertentu, keindahan kaki sangat perlu untuk diperhatikan, khususnya bagi kalangan artis, model dan lain sebagainya. Maka dari itu, jagalah dan rawatlah kaki anda agar

Book Review: Modern Romance

I'm a card carrying member of The Spinster Club. People on occasion ask me why I'm single, and the response I usually give is "You want the list?!". One of the things on that list is that I hate dating, and I am currently particularly disillusioned with online dating - but how else are you going to meet that someonewhoisacceptingofyourweirdness? A member of my book club recently reviewed Aziz Ansari's new book , Modern Romance, and it sounded like maybe Ansari had some of the answers... Modern Romance By Aziz Ansari 2015 277 pages Apparently Aziz Ansari is a comedian (yeah ok so I'm not up on my pop culture). When a comedian writes a book on romance, usually it's not super stuffy or depressing, right? Well that's certainly true of this book. He goes through some current trends/thoughts/ideas (in a vaguely social-sciencey way that isn't over your head) about love/romance/dating, and the past/present state of each, including a lot of discussion on ho

Book Review: A Song of Ice and Fire

I finally did it. I finally finished the Game of Thrones books. And it only took me two years... A Game of Thrones A Clash of Kings A Storm of Swords A Feast for Crows A Dance with Dragons By George R.R. Martin 1997-2013-?? >5000 pages In 2014, I watched the first two season's of the HBO show Game of Thrones. I'd been avoiding it until then, blathering on about how I didn't like the violence. Then I watched it and got completely addicted to the violence, I mean storyline. It was compelling, to say the least. So I decided to stop watching the show and read the books, the rewatch the entire show. Two years later... That wasn't two years of solid reading. I'd pick up a book, read like the mad king, then put it down again for months and months. Start, pause, go, stop, repeat. But this Christmas vacation, I finally finished not only the books, but also the show (up to book 5 and season 5 obviously). It was a violent Christmas. So what did I think? The books were fanta